
Miss Penny's Arty Stuff is a blog for artists. I aim to promote the many genres of the arts and share stories of interest and relevancy with an artistic community.

The photo above is of the Belabula River, Carcoar NSW where my family comes from.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cast your vote against #LiveExport -

Cast your vote against #LiveExport -

I come from a farming background and I am totally, utterly disgusted by this. Please don't sit back and do nothing. Cast your vote against this terrible cruelty.

Our government and the beef industry should be ashamed. I cannot believe that keeping foreign importers happy comes before doing what is right. Where is the bush ethos of my father's years? What a disgraceful situation.

I'm ashamed to be an Australian right now.

Help to STOP THIS for the sake of these poor creatures!

1 comment:

  1. Good on you Penny. I signed the petition last week. We should all be ashamed that this is happening. We're supposed to be a civilised country!
