So hello again, do you remember me?
That’s the question isn’t it when we are out there marketing our work, trying and hoping that someone will remember our advertisement, our Facebook post, our last Twitter tweet, but amongst the myriad of messages what are the chances?
Well, what are a few things we can do to improve those odds?
Today will be the first of a series of articles addressing marketing art work. Initially my discussion will begin with building a brand, and the place to begin is with yourself. What can you do to set up a point-of-difference between you and the hundreds of others out there?
My last post’s headline read “You don’t remember me, do you?” and this was very poignant when we begin thinking about this subject. How do you interact with your audience, your peers, your clients? How would you introduce yourself at a networking event? Are you very active already in your local community? Are you altruistic? Are you writing a blog, do you have a web presence, a social media presence?
How would you hope to be remembered?
OK, so you may have answered yes, I’m out there working on these things, I’m interesting and engaging and I’m already well known. Fantastic, you are on your way, but its also very important to not be overtly sales oriented when networking. Instead be utterly devoted to your product (as most artists are) walk the talk - this is the easy bit - just be who you are, be positive and up beat. Have photos at hand and business cards with a URL address to your blog or website.
There is nothing more off-putting to potential buyers than someone who is only interested in interacting when there is a sale to be made. I know I see through this at a thousand paces!
Always try to be warm and friendly and offer more than a quick sale turn around. Connecting at a human level will never be out of vogue. Simply caring has always worked for me, it’s brought me long-term friendships, love and laughter as well as long term clients.
In the next article, I’ll talk more about coordinating your sales message.
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